Pole Technique Levelled Classes

Pole Tech 1 (Absolute Beginners)

Learn basic pole ground-based moves and spins. Great for complete beginners and those who need to brush up their skills after a long break to build up strength and technique.

Elements to be learnt at this level include pirouettes, front hook spin, back hook spin, pole sit, climbing.

Wear shorts (the shorter the better to ensure a good skin grip!) and a comfortable vest/top. This is a trick based class and heels are not required.

Join our six week Intro to Pole course to learn the foundations covering basic tricks, spins and other moves (nothing scary!:)

Pole Tech 1-2*

In between levels group for beginner students (not suitable for complete beginners). Perfect if you want to polish those level 1 moves such as ground based spins on static and spinning pole, perform various sits, and combinations of moves, focus on conditioning to build more strength and improve the technique. Moves and combos here can be more challenging than in Level 1 class.

Pole Tech 2

In this class you’ll work on consecutive climbs, combinations of sits and spins, learn genie from the floor and other tricks, and perform your first invert (a “bat/crucifix”).

Pole Tech 3

The main elements to work on are a straddle invert, inside/outside leg hang, butterfly cross knee release, superman, elements with elbow grip; combinations on a static and spinning pole.

Prerequisites: multiple climbs, crucifix, sits, stargazer, layback (hand on foot).

Pole Tech 4

Learn tricks, transitions, & skills that will challenge your entire body and further improve coordination and flexibility.

At this level you will continue working on aerial inverts, Ayesha, brass monkey, shoulder mount drills, Jade, Iguana, Allegra.

Prerequisites: straddle invert, butterfly, inside/outside leg hangs, extended butterfly.

Pole Tech 5

Progress at this level is concentrated on increasingly advanced moves as well as gaining fluidity and seamless transitions in performing combos. You will continue building your strength and stamina and really challenge yourself at this level!

Prerequisites: aerial invert, shoulder mount from the floor, Ayesha, brass monkey.

*We offer other mixed level classes. If you’re in between levels, we recommend joining a lower level class to test it out. You can also always reach out to us via sending an email to hello@savagepolestudio.com and we will advise you accordingly.

Other classes

Spinning Pole

In this class you’ll be learning various tricks and combinations when the pole is in a spinning mode. Be ready to practice various grips and perform beautiful aerial elements while spinning! We offer Spinning pole classes for different levels, choose your class based on your pole level (please see above). The instructors can offer modifications based on students’ level.

Choreography/Dance classes

In this classes you’ll learn a beautiful choreography, incorporating various elements on the pole and floorwork. You’ll focus on specific moves and transitions performed to music, so you will definitely improve your dancing skills and musicality. Choreo classes are particularly good for releasing energy, losing yourself in the dance, moving to the rhythm and enjoying yourself. It’s a fantastic experience and we can’t wait to dance with you!

High (platform) heels are recommended but you can also dance in socks, knee pads are required.

Stretch and flexibility

This class focuses on a full body stretch to improve flexibility and mobility, relieve stiffness and tight muscles, improve posture and overall performance. The class will incorporate both dynamic and static stretches. You will work on splits, back bends, shoulders and chest opening, etc.

Open to all levels. Wear comfortable clothes (leggings/shorts, top).

Pole conditioning

You can't properly and confidently perform a trick or a pole combo if you lack upper body strength. This class aims exactly at building your strength and improving flexibility so you can perform tricks and combos more effortlessy and clean.

There will be exercises on and off the pole, focused on muscle activation and improving general fitness level - you'll definitely see improvements in your pole progress sooner than later!

This class is suitable for all levels with progressions where applicable.